27 Juli 2024

Things You Need to Bring When Traveling with Children to Hotels in Sentosa Island

One of the hotels in Sentosa Island, Resort World Sentosa – Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore, can be a lodging option when you plan to bring your toddler to explore Singapore. You can stay in the hotel. So, it is necessary to get some extra necessities for children below.

Children’s Equipment

You can bring your children’s equipment to your hotels in Sentosa Island, including toiletries, nail clippers, wet and dry wipes. Don’t forget to bring disposable diapers, slings, cotton buds, blankets, strollers, and other equipment that you think is important.

For children’s toiletries, you can bring telon oil, a children’s toothbrush and toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and baby cream. Choose clothes for children that absorb sweat and are comfortable, don’t forget to take into account how many clothes the child will need.

Often, toddlers accidentally spill food or drinks on their clothes, so they need more clothes. If the tourist destination is a beach or a place with hot weather, you can also bring long pants and socks.

Jackets, hats, and footwear are also equipment that you can take with you when you take your children on vacation. When the vacation destination is not a cold area, choose a jacket that is not too thick.

Children can wear a jacket, when on an airplane, so they don’t get cold, because of the air conditioning blowing. Also bring two pieces of footwear, shoes, and sandals.


Because small children tend to get bored quickly, you can anticipate this by bringing your child’s favorite toy while on vacation. You can bring small children’s toys, so they can be stored in a small bag.

Can bring toys that match the traveling activities that children do, for example bringing a set of sand play equipment, when visiting the beach.

Tableware and Drinking Bottles

You can control the amount of water that enters your child’s body every day by carrying a water bottle. Spending also becomes more economical by bringing a drinking bottle, rather than buying bottled water.

If the child is less than one year old, you can bring him eating utensils, such as a spoon and a lid to eat.


On the way, the child may get sick or whatever, so parents need to prepare medicine for the child. These medicines such as antiseptic liquids, some tablets to reduce fever, diarrhea medicine, and others.

Moreover, if the child has a special disease, for example, allergies and asthma, thus require special medicines.

Snacks and Drinks

For friends during the trip or on the sidelines of visits to tourist attractions, you can bring your child’s favorite snacks. You can store snacks in a small dining area with a tight lid.

The food will be a little diverse, when the child enters solid food age, you can also bring instant porridge when taking the child traveling. Preferably, the taste of this packaged porridge can be tried by children, before the vacation trip will be carried out.

Choose the flavor of instant porridge that your child likes, so you don’t have to worry about feeding your child with the porridge.

One of the hotels in Sentosa Island is the Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore which is close to various interesting Singapore attractions. If you intend to take your toddler to explore Singapore, then you can bring the equipment to this review. Do not forget to take SingapoRediscovers Vouchers and make your trip more affordable.